By registering for Reliant Hiring Solutions (“RHS”) event(s), you agree to be bound by the following terms:

• You agree that your displays shall not disturb aisles or adjacent booths, and that your booth will not be shared.

• You agree that RHS, the event facility, and their respective officers, employees, and/or agents are not responsible for the safety of exhibits, exhibitors (including agents and employees), or visitors, and that they shall have no liability to you or others arising from, relating to, or otherwise concerning damages, injury or harm arising from vandalism, theft, robbery, water damage, fire damage, or other causes.

• You agree that RHS has no responsibility to insure against damages or harm, and that, if you desire insurance, you shall obtain it at your own expense.

• You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless RHS, the event facility, and their respective officers, employees, and/or agents against any loss, damage or expense (including attorney's fees) arising from, relating to, or otherwise concerning this agreement, unless proximately caused by the indemnified party’s willful misconduct or gross negligence. 

• Neither RHS nor the event facility shall have any liability for delays or extra expenses caused by strikes, labor disputes, and acts of terrorism, weather or other cause beyond their control.

• You agree that RHS may, in its sole discretion, cancel any event for any reason without any liability other than the refund of any deposit for the cancelled event. You agree that deposits and payments are otherwise non-refundable, and that you are obligated to pay the full contract amount if you cancel or fail to attend an event per stipulated policies.

• You authorize RHS to use the names of participating employers in promotional materials and advertising.

• State agencies of California are exempt from the indemnification and hold harmless terms of this agreement.

• You agree that any dispute arising from or relating to this agreement will be subject to mandatory mediation followed by binding arbitration to take place in Manassas, Virginia, before the AAA or such other forum agreed-upon by the parties.


Events, unless otherwise indicated, accept vendor/employer registration up to the start of the event.  Employer/vendor inclusion on the event website is concurrent with registration.  The event program is locked between one week to one day before the event (depending on the event).  As such, inclusion on the program is contingent with timely registration.

Furthermore, the following is stipulated:

Weather Policy
RHS reserves the right to postpone events if it is determined weather will may severely impact either employer or job seeker attendance.  The postponed event will be re-scheduled within six weeks.

General Cancellation Policy
Companies/Employers may cancel their event registration for a full refund if requested before 45 days ahead of the event.  There are no refunds for requests made after the 45 day mark, however, the balance may be transferred to another event.

Refunds, if issued for any reason, may take up to 30 days to complete from the time of cancellation.

Additional Stipulations Regarding Refunds
Reliant Hiring Solutions is not responsible for any additional financial costs a vendor/employer my incur due to the cancellation of an event for any reason.  Examples include, but are not limited to: airplane costs, hotel costs, rental car costs etc.

No Show Policy
There are no refunds for no shows

Vendor Space assignment

First come first serve

Vendor Access to Electricity
First come, first serve

Access to WIFI/Internet
Is available at some events, but not all. Check with our office to determine if wifi is available at any given event.

Non-resident Status and Services

Reliant Hiring Solutions provides all operation, logistical and service support (i.e. event coordination, marketing and logistics) from its business location in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  All payments and remunerations provided by vendors are for these services provided in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  All other services are outsourced to local vendors with business licenses in the state each event takes place in.

California Nonresident status: Services of a Nonresident (Reliant Hiring Solutions) Outside of California. Withholding of tax at source is not required on payments for services (marketing logistics) provided by a nonresident (Reliant Hiring Solutions) that were performed outside of California (performed in the Commonwealth of Virginia).

Hold Harmless Agreement

I/We attest and agree that neither RHS, nor its trustees, representatives, employees, and agents may be held liable in any way for an occurrence in connection with the Activity (job fair, hiring event or trade show etc.) which may result in injury, harm, or other damages to the undersigned or members of our organization and guests, invited or not. Rather, I/We agree that our Organization alone shall be responsible for any property damage, personal injury or death that may occur during our use of the premises.

As part of the consideration for being allowed to use your facility, building and grounds as well as all appliances and fixtures in the activity, I/we release the RHS, its trustees, employees, agents, or representatives from any claim for damages, injury or death which may occur while participating in the Activity. I/We further agree to save and hold harmless RHS, its trustees, employees, agents, or representatives from any claim arising out of or participation in any form or fashion in the Activity.

I/We further state the I/we are authorized to sign this agreement not only on behalf of ourselves but for all representatives present at the Activity on behalf of the Organization; that I/we understand the terms herein are contractual and not mere recital; and that I/we have signed this document of my/our own free act and volition. I/We further state and acknowledge that I/we have fully informed ourselves of the content of this affirmation and release by reading it before I/we attested to it.